
Δευτέρα 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

Warm 2022 greetings from Athens, 186 Acropolis's views


Dear Sir,Madame,Friend, Family
This is a sole message
of friendship, love and respect.
You have trusted me once
your e-mail address.
I took the this step
to send you my hugs + kisses
and wish you throughout
difficult worldwide covid-19
safe and happy (family) life.
Once you receive this message
after a while I will cross out
your address from my gmail list
for e-security reasons.
I am in good retirement aged 68+
and I do nearly same things
as usual I was doing in hotels
of tourisme while we met.
But now with internet
and little travel Time to Time.
I am in good health as long as
my age agrees..
Yours faithfully
Warm greetings

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