
Δευτέρα 23 Νοεμβρίου 2009

The art of love, Αγάπη

 The art of love

Loving is an art (?)
Of the human on the marble
Loving is an art
Of a poem on a heart!

It is so easy to love
But not to starve
Of a feeling you might have
When your heart beats tici-tac

It is so easy the touch
But not forever to love
Perfume never lasts
Flowers need ever to be damp

Love Love is a ruby
Hidden in your body
I am the miner you need
To get your ruby worthy

Love is a bourn
From a natural source
I am always thirst of it
There is no medicine to …eat

Επιμύθιον παραμυθάκι:
Μια κόρη κένταγε ένα κέντημα
Με βελόνα και χρυσή κλωστή
Την κλωστή την είπανε Αγάπη
Και το κέντημα Ζωή…

Christos Roumeliotis
Athens, Sunday, November 22, 2009

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