
Δευτέρα 5 Οκτωβρίου 2009

As summer goes off

 As summer goes off

Oh spring how far you are !
Oh winter how scared we are !
Oh Autumn you are my Fall !
Am I, my Summer, in love ?

Oh my Hill keep rain for good
Away the misty flood
We need God’s benediction
When there is no ...fiction !

Oh my Man
Put some mind on !
Your being, to the trees, you own
As the excess rain-water they down

Oh my little stream I beg you
Don’t get mad with me, …the bad
I will rebuild your bridge fast
And maintain your …banks span !

Oh my sky !
Don’t over fluid the sea …
Don’t make her sad
People wish have - from her - fun
And reminding of, the summer sun !

Sunday October 4th 2009 Dedicated to the Ireland of Evia Which was hit by the flood of 11th of September 2009

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